Big changes are ahead for me this year. I finished my Educational Specialist degree at the end of April. I turned 29 at the beginning of May. I wrapped up my 6th year of teaching at the end of May.
In my last blog post about goals for the new year, goal 2 was about making a dream my reality. Well, I did it! In March, at the tail end of my spring break, I flew to Anchorage, Alaska, for a teaching job fair. I interviewed with several school districts, was offered a couple of options, and signed a contract for the coming year! At the beginning of August I will move to Hooper Bay, Alaska to teach 4th grade.
I'm equal parts excited and terrified. I've dreamed of Alaska for a few years now, and it's actually happening. I'm going to continue working in a profession I love, explore and travel more, challenge myself daily, and discover things about myself I never knew before. I'm also going to be moving across the country, 15+ travel hours away from my family, where I don't know anyone. I'm giving up most of the comforts I know (Starbucks, Target, reliable cell and internet service at the top of my list). I'm leaving behind a grade level dear to my heart.
I'm looking forward to my new adventure. I hope to have more time for things I enjoy, like blogging! If you want to follow along with my life in Alaska, check out my personal blog: Teaching in the Last Frontier.
It's been a solid year since I've blogged. So here we go!
Goal 1: Blogging Etc.
I always let myself get pulled in a million directions and ignore this blog (and my TPT stuff in general). I want 2018 to be the year I finally make time for something I enjoy. I want to connect with teachers across the world who inspire me to constantly push myself for my little learners. I want to hopefully inspire teachers to do the same. 2018 will be the year I stop pushing this blog to the bottom of my to-do lists!
Goal 2: Dream to Reality
There is one dream specifically I want to make a reality. It's a secret for now to the general public, but I cannot wait to (hopefully) share it with you in the coming months. Beyond that, I want to be more brave and take more leaps. I talk myself out of so many things, and it's time I start doing things that scare me. Maybe I'll take a solo mini vacation I've thought about so many times. Baby steps, right?
Goal 3: Self Care
I, like so many teachers I know, ignore myself. I spent a week teaching this fall with ZERO voice. I totally should have stayed home at least for a day and not been so stubborn, but sub plans are something I avoid at ALL costs. I'm always too tired to have a life outside of work. I let 2017 headlines drag me down sometimes. It's easy to get bogged down in the bad in the world. This spring I'm finishing my Educational Specialist degree in Leadership. I have a research paper to finish and an internship to complete. Plus I went crazy and volunteered to do 6th grade math tutoring. Yes, this 2nd grade teacher will be spending 3 afternoons a week with her former students working on ratios! I have a gym membership wasting away without me. I will find time in my life for the gym. I will start doing yoga and meditation again to clear my head. I will drink more water. I will turn up my music and dance. I will log off the internet when it's too much and find ways to put some positive energy out in the world.
I feel quite optimistic about 2018. Something just feels different. Maybe it's the first supermoon of the year and the fact that I don't have to deal with how it affects my students so soon after a holiday :)