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Sunday, August 2, 2015

August Currently

How is it possibly August already?!  I blinked, and summer is over!  In honor of August, I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for the Currently link up.
Listening to The Karate Kid Part II:
I don't know if I've actually seen all of any of these movies.  It's serving as background noise at the moment.
Loving having a great AC:
It rained the whole month of June.  It was bone dry the whole month of July, with 100+ temperatures the last half of it.  We had a couple days more of rain, but the heat and humidity are back.  You can barely walk outside right now!  My poor little learners may not be able to have outside recess to kick off school if this keeps up.
Thinking about my To Do list:
I'm pretty sure it's what I'm always thinking about!  It's really bad right now because I forced myself to take June totally off from thinking about school.  I always work the summer away and am tired when school starts back.  This was a fatal error because it's proving quite difficult to get back into a work mode.
Wanting a few more weeks of summer:
I'm fairly sure this could be said about any teacher at the moment!
Needing to switch from summer to school mode:
Like I said, NEVER totally taking a break for a whole summer month.  A mostly break, sure.  Completely shutting off my teacher brain absolutely not.
BTS RAK--a happy goodie:
I seriously adore my fellow 2nd grade teacher.  There will be only the two of us this year with bigger class sizes.  Last year was a bit crazy for us with two new textbooks, a totally new daily schedule, and lot of changes from the state.  I'm looking forward to this year with her!
Please send a few positive thoughts my way about getting back into a school groove.  I may need them to stop staring at my pile of things to do and actually work on them :)


Nicole said...

You will totally get back into school mode!!! Best of luck with larger class sizes and now I am off to create my to do list, so I can get working!!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Holly Gerlach said...

I totally understand the "not being able to shut off the brain" thing... I always tell myself to take the summer and enjoy it, yet I somehow always have school lingering in my mind :) However, I think it just shows that we are passionate and enjoy what we do... I am sure you will get back into the groove of things shortly. Enjoy what is left of your summer and hope you have a fantastic school year with your second grade partner!

Miss Trayers said...

We've had the same kind of summer here in Texas-although we haven't had any rain in at least a month! Thank goodness for air conditioning! :)

Not Just Child's Play

Shawna Peryea said...

Air conditioners are the best! I live in Arizona and share your pain. After doing some traveling this last year, I can honestly say the humidity is worse than the dry heat we have!