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Sunday, July 19, 2015

A+Pel Summer Conference

I spent the past couple of days at the A+Pel summer conference in Baton Rouge.  It's always a great time when you get 300+ teachers together!
We had a day and a half of various hour-long professional development sessions.  I got to attend several great presentations as well as deliver two session myself. 
My first presentation was about RTI in the classroom.  We covered behavior interventions first before moving on to academic.  I talked about all the different things I do in my class:  converted games, flash cards, scoots (task cards), iPad apps, and more.  This session was right after Larry Bell spoke, and boy, was I nervous!  We had some great conversations which continued for the rest of the conference.  I was even asked about doing a PD day for a nearby school district!  Talk about flattered.
My second presentation was on Eureka Math.  I talked about how the lessons are structured and focused on key elements that can be used in any classroom (whether the school uses the EM program or not!).  We did a sprint, had some fun with happy counting, and talked about application problems.  I really LOVE this math program!  There will be more on my affection later!!
I'm spending the next two days at a Cain Center Eureka Math training, put on by the people from LSU who wrote the program.  Since my school district is hosting the event, we got some free seats.  My principal offered, and I jumped at the chance!  I can't wait to learn some new stuff to share with other teachers and my students.

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